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Ambassador John Bolton on defending Taiwan, “We’ve got to knit Taiwan into the evolving effort to constrain China’s aggression . . .It’s part of a bigger problem of dealing with China which is a threat not just militarily but economically and in many other ways until the end of the century.”
In an interview with WGIR’s Chris Ryan, former UN Ambassador and National Security Advisor, John Bolton describes recent developments in the war in Ukraine; evaluates the possibility of a cease fire; and analyzes the intentions of China in southeast Asia and Taiwan.
The Ambassador compares the current ground war in Ukraine to the acre by acre fighting during World War I, and he predicts that both sides will continue to sustain heavy casualties until Putin feels that he has achieved some possibly undetermined objective.
Until then, Ambassador Bolton believes that the race to provide and train the Ukrainians with new, more sophisticated weapon systems in time hold off the Russians will continue.
In addition, John Bolton is very critical of the Biden Administration for being slow since the conflict started in anticipating what weapons and other types of assistance to provide to Ukraine.
As the war drags on, as patience wanes, and as economic difficulties increase, Ambassador Bolton feels that the European leaders will put pressure on President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to make territorial concessions, work out a cease fire, and end this phase of Russian expansion.
In the last portion of the interview, China’s plans for expansion into southeast Asia and Taiwan, in particular, were discussed by Ambassador Bolton.
A recent effort by the Biden Administration to improve coordination among the Quad, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, the nations of India, Australia, Japan, and the United States was actually complimented by the Ambassador.
Ambassador Bolton feels that we need to defend Taiwan from Chinese aggression.
“We should remove, the so-called strategic ambiguity. I think we should defend Taiwan, and so should the Japanese, and a lot of others in East Asia. We’ve got to knit Taiwan into the evolving effort to constrain China’s aggression . . .It’s part of a bigger problem of dealing with China which is a threat not just militarily but economically and in many other ways until the end of the century.”