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Governor Sununu says, “I don’t think Joe Biden is making as many decisions for his team as he should be. His team is making the vast majority of decisions. I don’t think they’re following his playbook. . .I don’t have a lot of confidence in his staff, and his staff is making a lot of the decisions.”
In an interview conducted in the newly refurbished New Hampshire Today Studio with WGIR’s Chris Ryan, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu discusses the current and future economic situation as we emerge from the COVID shutdowns and deal with the inflation caused by higher energy prices; suggests ways to alleviate our energy problem; explains why deficit spending prevents our representatives in Washington from thinking about long term solutions; and assesses Joe Biden and his team.
Governor Sununu believes that, at this moment, people are uncertain about a number of things in their lives. On the one hand, they’re relieved that COVID seems to be almost over or at least under control; but, on the other hand, there is the nagging uncertainty of rising prices due to higher energy costs.
On the local level, with a gallon of gas over $4.00 and rising, Granite Staters are worried about getting to work and other rising costs. On a state level, Governor Sununu is worried that New Hampshire’s tourism business might be adversely affected with fewer people vacationing here.
Governor Sununu is critical of President Biden’s unwillingness to tap into America’s vast oil reserves. The Governor is against buying oil from Russia, and he is wary of buying oil from Saudi Arabia and other OPEC sources.
To prevent a huge surge in oil prices and to provide a reliable energy source, Governor favors using our own oil reserves and oil from our friendly neighbor to the north, Canada.
To forestall a future energy crisis, Governor Sununu calls for developing the domestic mining of the rare earth minerals which are needed for the batteries in electric cars. Most of those minerals are currently mined in China. With the majority of our semiconductor chips being made in Taiwan, the Governor also favors the development of that industry in the USA.
At the core of what’s wrong with Washington, according to Governor Sununu, it is not having a budget.
“Washington doesn’t have a balanced budget. They don’t pass budgets, so therefore, there is no tool or mechanism to think long term and strategically. They’re only dealing with the political issues in front of them.”
On a state level, the Governor explains how important issues, like mental health or opioid addiction, can be targeted, money budgeted for programs with targeted results, and funding readjusted based on the success of the program.
In the final segment of the interview, Governor Sununu was asked how much confidence did he have that Joe Biden was up to the challenges that he faces in the Ukraine Crisis and a host of domestic issues.
“I don’t think Joe Biden is making as many decisions for his team as he should be. His team is making the vast majority of decisions. I don’t think they’re following his playbook. . .I don’t have a lot of confidence in his staff, and his staff is making a lot of the decisions.”