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Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Biden’s foreign policy, “This administration has repeatedly…with respect to Russia been very feeble.”
In an interview with WGIR’s Chris Ryan, Mike Pompeo, who served as Secretary of State and CIA Director for President Trump, criticizes the Biden Administration’s handling of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine; asserts what he would do to keep Vladimir Putin in check; defends the Trump Administration’s foreign policy with Russia; identifies the key issues for Republicans to emphasize in the 2022 midterm elections; speculates about the role, going forward, of Donald Trump in the Republican Party; and, on a lighter note, Mike Pompeo discusses his weight loss regimen.
As you might expect, former Secretary Pompeo is very critical of the Biden Administration’s foreign policy initiatives, in general, and with Russia, in particular.
Mike Pompeo went on to enumerate instances where President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken gave an ineffective response to provocative moves by Russia and other countries.
Keeping Russia in check, according to former Secretary Pompeo, requires the United States to be on its front foot--being aggressive and anticipating Putin’s moves.
Mike Pompeo advocates working with the Russians on matters of common interest, like counter terrorism. However, when the Russians behave badly, he advocates the US imposing serious economic and diplomatic costs on them.
In regard to the Trump Administration’s dealings with Russia, on the whole, Mike Pompeo defends the actions taken.
“We didn’t get everything right, every day, and always. That is a fair critique of every administration; but, when it came to Russia, we pushed back by building up a strong military and by America producing oil.”
On April 7, Mike Pompeo will be visiting New Hampshire to do some fundraising for Republican candidates. The former Secretary of State believes that the American people are concerned that the Biden Administration has not lived up to its promises. Pompeo also identified empty shelves, inflation, and parents wanting input into school policies as important issues.
Mike Pompeo also speculated that if President Trump, decides to run in 2024, there will be other Republican contenders for the Republican nomination. We can assume that Pompeo might challenge his former boss.
In the final segment of the interview, Mike Pompeo relates how he decided to lose weight in June of 2021. Through a program of increased exercise and making healthier food choices, he has been able to lose about 90 pounds.