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Republican Senator Tom Cotton says, “The far-left fringe of the Democratic Party wants to call childcare and family care and electric automobiles for rich people infrastructure. The people of Arkansas and New Hampshire know that infrastructure is roads, bridges, and maybe broadband internet, especially in rural states like ours.”
In an interview with Chris Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas and possibly a 2024 presidential candidate, calls for Dr. Fauci to be fired or to resign; proposes that China be punished for unleashing the Coronavirus and then covering it up; assesses the status of the infrastructure bills which are being proposed; criticizes President Biden’s dealings with Russia; and lays out what the priorities of the Republican Party should be in 2022 and 2024 elections.
For a long time, Senator Cotton has been a critic of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president.
The recent discovery of Fauci emails has pushed Senator Cotton to call for the NIAID Director’s removal.
“Over time, Dr. Fauci’s repeated evasions and misdirection and politicized advice have caused him to lose the confidence of the American people.”
Senator Cotton is troubled by Dr. Fauci’s lack of candor during congressional hearings which revealed that NIAID indirectly provided funds for gain of function research at the Wuhan Laboratory.
In addition, the Senator believes that the lack of confidence in Dr. Fauci by the public also stems from his inconsistent recommendations and pronouncements about mask wearing and herd immunity.
“We can see by the shifting advice and recommendations over the past year that some of his statements are not based on science. They are based on politics.”
Despite intense criticism from the media and Dr. Fauci, Senator Cotton has maintained from the beginning of the COVID pandemic that the virus probably emanated from the Wuhan Laboratory.
“What we should do is lower the boom on China and hold them accountable for unleashing this plague on the world and then covering it up to this day.”
Senator Cotton has introduced legislation which would allow victims of the virus to sue the communist leaders of China in federal courts. This would be similar to the 9/11 victims who were able to sue the government of Saudi Arabia.
Other ways that the Senator suggested that China could be punished for unleashing this deadly virus and covering it up would be the following: remove China’s most favored nation status; work with our allies to prevent China from getting favorable financing terms; and revoke visas for Chinese Communist leaders and their families.
As far as the various plans for infrastructure spending which are going through Congress, Senator Cotton wants to use up the trillions of dollars remaining from the last stimulus bill, and he wants to limit the scope of the any proposal to mostly traditional infrastructure projects.
“The far-left fringe of the Democratic Party wants to call childcare and family care and electric automobiles for rich people infrastructure. The people of Arkansas and New Hampshire know that infrastructure is roads, bridges, and maybe broadband internet, especially in rural states like ours.”
Senator Cotton believes that President Biden has shown weakness toward Russia and that Vladimir Putin knows it. The Senator hopes the Biden Administration can turn things around, otherwise we can expect more cyberattacks on American companies.
The last segment of the interview dealt with how the Republican Party can bounce back in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Senator Cotton believes that the GOP needs to return fiscal sanity to Washington, protect the jobs of the American people, do something about the rising crime rate, and maintain our military status.
Senator Cotton accepts that President Trump will continue to be a presence in the Republican Party, but the Senator believes that the key to victory will be for the GOP to recruit strong candidates who are good fits for their states.