On NH Today, Sununu Touts Record Ahead of Filing for Re-election

Governor Sununu is happy with the redrawn, competitive Congressional Districts and predicts a red wave in the 2022 elections.

“There is going to be a federal sweep here of CD 1 ad CD 2; and, obviously, Senator Hassan is going to lose her job as well.”

In an interview with WGIR’s Chris Ryan, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu reflects on filing as a candidate for his fourth term as governor; predicts that a recession is coming which will require careful spending by the state; states his educational philosophy and goals; declines to discuss his Republican primary election opponents but responds to comments by one of his possible Democrat opponents; and discusses his satisfaction with how New Hampshire’s two redrawn Congressional District Maps will be competitive elections.    

Chris Sununu, who was elected as governor in 2016, reflects on his accomplishments and states his goals if he should win another two-year term. He claims to be as excited to run for this term as he was for the first time.

The Governor hopes to continue work on expanding mental health services, improving childcare, and following through on the affordable housing initiative which he started. With another bout of COVID looming next winter, Governor Sununu is also ready for that challenge.

Governor Sununu believes that high gas prices and inflation will lead to a recession which will require careful spending on the part of the state government. The good news about New Hampshire’s economy is that businesses and young families are moving here.

Choice and opportunity, according to the Governor, should be the two most important characteristics of education. Giving families and individual students the opportunity to choose the educational path which is best suited to them is very important to Governor Sununu.

The Governor declined the opportunity to respond to criticisms from any of his Republican challengers in the Primary Election on September 23. However, Democrat candidate Dr. Tom Sherman’s statement that Governor Sununu couldn’t be trusted got this response.

“To say that my administration is untrustworthy, that’s just silly. If that’s the argument that they want to make in November, I feel pretty good about our chances.”

In the final segment of the interview, Governor Sununu discusses how satisfied he is that he has worked out the redrawn Congressional District Maps with the legislature which guarantees two competitive districts.

The Governor predicts a red wave in the 2022 elections with Congresswoman Annie Kuster being defeated by the Republican Mayor of Keene, George Hansel and Congressman Chris Pappas being ousted by a Republican challenger.

“There is going to be a federal sweep here of CD 1 ad CD 2; and, obviously, Senator Hassan is going to lose her job as well.” 


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