On NH Today, Choose Love Founder Details Movement

After her 6-year-old son was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, Scarlett Lewis began the Choose Love Movement. “I knew that this was preventable. When I saw this message, which my son had written on the kitchen chalkboard, Nurturing Healing Love, I knew that if the shooter had been able to give and receive that, this tragedy never would have happened.”

In an interview with WGIR’s Chris Ryan, Scarlett Lewis, the founder of the Choose Love Movement, discusses how she launched this program to make the world a peaceful and more loving place.

The full name of the program is the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. It is named after and inspired by Scarlett’s son Jesse, who was a first-grade student who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre nearly nine years ago.

On the day that he was murdered, Jesse wrote these words on the kitchen chalkboard, “Nurturing Healing Love.” From that point onward, Scarlett Lewis has had as her mission in life to urge people to choose love and to promote social and emotional education in schools.

“I knew that this was preventable. When I saw this message, which my son had written on the kitchen chalkboard, Nurturing Healing Love, I knew that if the shooter had been able to give and receive that, this tragedy never would have happened.”

Scarlett Lewis describes the Choose Love Bus Tour which is currently making stops in towns across New Hampshire. The program which promotes wellness, anti-bullying, and mental health.

The Choose Love Bus Tour presentation includes a dance group called the Tigers and a dynamic, young speaker on the topic of childhood depression named Charlie Olsen. He is the fifth grader who is best known as the Kid Governor of New Hampshire.

The Choose Love Movement addresses the following essential life skills: how to have healthy relationships; how to manage your emotions; and how to develop coping skills. Parent programs and community programs are also provided.

Scarlett Lewis emphasizes that there is definitely a need to reconnect with other human beings after the social distancing, which was part of COVID protocols.

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