Governor Sununu will fight the vaccine mandate, “I’m as pro-vaccine as they come. But one of the most important things that you have to understand as a public servant is the limits of government. Government has to have certain limits. Joe Biden does not respect that.”
In an interview with Chris Ryan, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu discusses his efforts to deal with stress as he covers from his bleeding ulcer; responds to the New Hampshire Executive Council’s decision to cut off state funds to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers; reacts to the protest at the state capitol over President Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate; lays out what can be done in New Hampshire to block President Biden’s executive order forcing employers to mandate COVID vaccinations; and criticizes the current political climate which prevents finding common ground.
Governor Sununu expresses his disappointment with the Executive Council’s decision to cut funds to organizations like Planned Parenthood. The Governor maintains that funding to these organizations have been given by Republican and Democratic administrations for over thirty years.
In addition, he criticizes the hypothetical arguments about late term abortions provided by the Councilmen in denying funds for organizations which provide other essential health services to mostly poor families. As a result, those individuals might have to now use emergency rooms which would burden our already taxed healthcare system.
To his knowledge, Governor Sununu claims that there have not been any late term abortions in New Hampshire, but thousands of Granite Staters do depend on these agencies for basic healthcare services.
“I fundamentally and very strongly disagree with them on this one vote, but it doesn’t mean that we’re not going to be supportive of them. Sometimes I do things that they disagree with, and sometimes they do things that I disagree with. That’s checks and balances!”
On Tuesday, September 14th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives had organized a press conference on the steps of the Capitol to denounce the Biden COVID vaccine mandates. A crowd of about 400 protestors had gathered and proceeded to vociferously express their dissatisfaction with the response to the mandates by the Republican controlled New Hampshire government.
Governor Sununu, who was not at the Capitol that day, commented on Sherm Packard, the Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, engaging in a heated back and forth with the protesters.
“It was a terrible look. It looks to me that they (the legislators) didn’t have a strategic plan about what they wanted to say. You’ve got to know your audience. It completely unfolded and was horribly thought out.”
The Governor is opposed to the federal vaccine mandate and is taking steps to fight it.
“I’m as pro-vaccine as they come. But one of the most important things that you have to understand as a public servant is the limits of government. Government has to have certain limits. Joe Biden does not respect that.”
The Governor pledges that he supports the right of the individual to make their own healthcare choices
However, there are several reasons why the fight will be difficult. The mandate is being done through OSHA-the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. State governments are not able to undue regulations from this federal agency. No one has seen the actual executive order. Until the Biden Administration shows how they intend to implement and enforce the mandate, no legal action can be initiated.
Governor Sununu has consulted with several governors who are also in opposition, and a legal response will be prepared in federal court.
In the final segment of the interview, the Governor discussed the divisions which exist today that prevent people with different political points of view trying to find common ground.
“There is an ultimate political hypocrisy which has invaded America on both sides of the aisle, equally. Everybody just wants what they want, but you have to respect the process even when you’re not getting what you want.”