On NH Today, Senator Cotton Discusses Trip to New Hampshire This Weekend

Republican Senator Tom Cotton says about the 2022 election, “New Hampshire will once again be the center of the political universe with one of America’s most hotly contested Senate races and a chance to pick-up two-House seats, as well.”

In an interview with Chris Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, clarifies whether he will be a presidential candidate in 2024; outlines which issues Republican candidates should emphasize in 2022 and 2024; analyzes some of the factors which have contributed to recent price increases; discusses the infrastructure bills which are being discussed in Congress and with the Biden Administration; assesses the Biden foreign policy initiatives, especially in Afghanistan; and weighs in on whether our military has become too politicized.

Senator Cotton, who has made several visits to the home of the first in the nation presidential primary and is making several appearances here this weekend, isn’t quite ready to throw his hat in the ring and declare his candidacy.

The mid-term elections in 2022 are, as the Senator claims, his more immediate concern, and his reason for his frequent trips to the Granite State.

“New Hampshire will once again be the center of the political universe with one of America’s most hotly contested Senate races and a chance to pick-up two-House seats, as well.”

In in the 2022 mid-terms and in 2024, Senator Cotton believes that Republican candidates should emphasize the future by offering solutions while drawing attention to some of the shortcomings of the Biden Administration, such as inflation and a rising crime rate.

Senator Cotton believes that Democrat give away programs which have discouraged many people from returning to work have caused some of the supply chain disruptions. For example, fewer workers in the sawmills have led to inflated prices for lumber.

In principle, Senator Cotton is in favor of a traditional infrastructure bill which addresses building roads and bridges or expands the availability of internet or provides clean drinking water.

The efforts of the bipartisan committee, which is trying to piece together a bill, have the Senator’s support; but he will reserve giving his support until he sees what is in the bill and how it will be paid for.

Senator Cotton feels that many of President Biden’s foreign policy ventures are a continuation of the failed undertakings by the Obama administration to open relations with Cuba and Iran.

The Senator points out that the recent protests in Cuba are being ruthlessly suppressed by the Castro regime without action or comment by the Biden administration. Increased terrorist attacks in the Middle East and a continuation of the Iranian nuclear program appear to be going on unchecked.

After graduating from Harvard with a law degree, Tom Cotton enlisted in the US Army in 2005 and did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a captain.

In regard to maintaining a US military presence in Afghanistan, Senator Cotton understands the feeling of many Americans that twenty years is long enough, but he describes the Biden Administration’s decision to leave Afghanistan as “improvisational” or made without adequate planning.

“If you see the pace that districts are falling to the Taliban, that creates a real danger that Afghanistan will become what it once was—a safe haven for terrorists who are plotting attacks against the United States.”

Senator Cotton has received complaints from whistleblowers who have reported being subjected to “woke, politically correct training sessions.” The Senator is concerned that an increased emphasis on political indoctrination will be a distraction from the goals to defend the country and to win wars.

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